When you want to build your website on XTOPIA, you will need to point the A record of your domain to XTOPIA’s server.
A record (Address Record) points a domain or subdomain to an IP address of a server. For example, you can use it for www.website.com or blog.website.com and point it to where you have your website (123.456.123.456)
XTOPIA will provide the IP address to point your domain / sub-domain to.
Your will then login to the domain's account at your domain host.
Sign in to your domain's account at your domain host.
Locate the page for updating your domain's DNS records. The page might be called something like DNS Management, Name Server Management, or Advanced Settings.
Locate the A records for your domain. You may already have one or more records resembling
Modify your A record Value so they have the A record values as below.